The Marsabit County Public Service Board is established Pursuant to Article 235 of the Constitution and Section 57 of the County Governments Act, 2012. The Board’s mandate is stipulated under Section 59(1) (a – j) and 59 (3). The Board comprises of chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Four Board Members and Acting Board Secretary/CEO.

Latest News & Notices



COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF MARSABIT COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD OF MARSABIT Pursuit to the county Government Act 2012, section 59 (1) (a) and (b), the County Public Service Board of Marsabit wishes to recruit competent and qualified citizens to fill the following positions…

Job Advert – 25th October 2023

Pursuant to the County Government Act 2012, Section 59(1)(a) and (b), the County Public Service Board of Marsabit wishes to recruit competent and qualified citizens to fill the following position in the Department of Health Service….

Job Advert: ECDE and  Health Advert Lower JG

Job Advert: ECDE and Health Advert Lower JG

Pursuant to the County Government Act 2012, section 59 (1) (a) and (b), the County Public Service Board of Marsabit wishes to recruit competent and qualified citizens to fill the following position in the Department of Education and Health Service….

Job Advert: Health JG L and above

Job Advert: Health JG L and above

Pursuant to the County Government Act 2012, Section 59 (1) (a) and (b), the County Public Service Board of Marsabit wishes to recruit competent and qualified citizens to fill the following position in the Department of Health Service. CPSBM/01/01/09/2023:  Medical…


Interview schedule for Interns 2023. All candidates should bring with them the originals of the following documents:1. National Identity card or a valid Kenyan Passport2. Academic and Professional certificates and transcripts 3. Any other relevant documents as deemed…